Tickets Mall

by Fawry for Banking & Payment Technology Services



TicketsMall ……Your Entertainment Gate Discover the new Tickets Mall application that allows you to book your tickets easily for all our merchants, enabling you to receive and transfer paid tickets in a safe and convenient way.Get started today in 4 simple steps:1. Download the application TicketsMall for free2. Register with your mobile number, email and your name3. Start booking by choosing either your seats or number of tickets4. Pay using either Pay with card option or Pay using FawryPay Cash TicketsMall allows you to simply do the following: 1. Discover All the active events by searching by venue, events show date, time or best-selling.2. Choose your seats with the most-simple way or choose your number of tickets3. Choose your payment method (Pay by Card, Pay Cash through FawryPay)4. Receive your paid tickets with all the description (QR code to be scanned from the merchant side, event name, date, seat number, order reference number and ticket id)5. Transfer Tickets In case of transferring your tickets to other mobile number please be noted that after accepting that transferred tickets it’ll be un-accessible from your side any more so please confirm the inserted mobile number 6. No screen shoots are allowed for the paid tickets just visit the venue with your Tickets Mall App7. Load Wallet - Feed your wallet by your Credit Card, Debit to pay your tickets easily (Coming soon)8. Contact Us on 164219. Terms & conditions are applied per venue so read it carefully